Fairy Tale Editing: a thought or two
As production nears completion for vol. 1, issue 2 ‘Wise Fools’, and the season of your waiting draws to its end, I thought you might all like to be refreshed with this remark from the…Continue Reading
We craft and tell stories because we’ve stood on the uncertain edge between the waking world and our imagination, between enchantment and fear. And we remember other stories that help us build our own stories, scraps of lumber and fragments of narrative we gather together to make stories for ourselves.
As production nears completion for vol. 1, issue 2 ‘Wise Fools’, and the season of your waiting draws to its end, I thought you might all like to be refreshed with this remark from the…Continue Reading
Despite the title, what concerns us is only a matter of engineering in the loosest sense. We are interested in how authors synthesize a primary work and a secondary τόπος. Thinking of this creative process…Continue Reading
Here’s an anecdote that you might have heard before if you’re an avid birder. It won’t seem like it’s about fairy tales at first, but bear with me. A reporter once approached the great ornithologist…Continue Reading
Lovers of folk and fairy tale will glad to learn about the launch of a literary fairy tale website. Subverting Laughter is an interstitial, interdisciplinary research initiative presenting that wonderful Victorian pantomime, The Light Princess…Continue Reading
Part 2 of 2. Our second round of editorial drinks for Terri Windling’s latest moveable feast. Read Part 1 here. JP2: We’re kind of circling back to what Tolkien said—we don’t want dragons per se,…Continue Reading
Part 1 of 2 Our contribution to Terri Windling’s latest moveable feast is a potluck: a jumbling of literary reflections, theories, and disputations. After the topic was brought up, the editorial staff engaged in a…Continue Reading
Be it the spindles in Mother Holle and Briar Rose, or the wheels in The Twelve Huntsmen or Rumpelstiltskin, spinning is everywhere in the background of Grimm’s fairy tales. As Maria Tatar points out, there’s…Continue Reading